
Official link to my certification on Oracle University Oracle APEX Cloud Developer Certified Professional (OCI)

Check out my Certifications and about Oracle APEX

An elegant Data / REST Flow Diagram I created

PowerBuilder Compilers – Deployment Breakdown Structure

An Executive Dashboard in Power BI

Check out my elegant Screenshots

My favorite Apps & Games


Oracle APEX - Low Code


No server-side language (uses only PL/SQL).

No files to compile or deploy (only metadata).

Oracle APEX

Oracle APEX

Auto-generates modern HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Laser-Focus on just your BUSINESS LOGIC.

Oracle APEX - 100% Browser-based

100% Browser-based

Uses nothing more than a BROWSER for dev.

A complete RAD platform FREE and Limitless.


I've been following and practicing Oracle APEX since 2005 when it used to be called Flows, Marvel, HTML DB and later renamed to Application Express or APEX. I have a few workspaces on the FREE apex.oracle.com and the Always-Free cloud.oracle.com with some of my own projects and Portfolios/demos. My front-end inclination and development skills, UI/UX design skills and PowerBuilder experience have helped me immensely with learning and mastering APEX.

Overall, I have 12 years' of experience in APEX (conservative estimate) from using it for years and also getting officially Oracle-certified. I'm experienced in building new APEX apps and modernizing LEGACY apps (e.g., PowerBuilder and Oracle Forms & Reports) into high-quality, STUNNING, responsive APEX Web apps with high security using RESTful APIs, OAuth, scalability and world-class features, quickly and cost-effectively.

Click to view the elegant Data / REST Flow Diagram I created (APEX & ORDS).

Oracle APEX - ORDS - Data / REST Flow Diagram


Portfolioto demo various features of Oracle APEX using secure RESTful APIs with OAuth for max security

My Enhancements

Login credentials

URL apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/r/apexpert/portfolio

MovieFlixsimilar to Netflix, with Cards interface, Faceted Search, Sorting... to create a Watchlist of movies.


Login credentials


Username: movieflix

Password: Movies123

Check out all my Screenshots from my work on PowerBuilder, Oracle APEX, Power BI, iPad, CA-Clipper and more.

I've worked on PowerBuilder for 28+ years. I would love to work on the Low-Code APEX for the rest of my career and beyond... because the future-proof and futuristic APEX is  UNMATCHED  by any other technology, it will NEVER get outdated (only gets better and more and more modern) and it is that GREAT!!

I would also like to work on PowerBuilder projects that have plans to modernize using Oracle APEX.


Shekar Reddy