Official link to my certification on Oracle University – Oracle APEX Cloud Developer Certified Professional (OCI)
Check out my Portfolio and about Oracle APEX pages
An elegant Data / REST Flow Diagram I created
PowerBuilder Compilers – Deployment Breakdown Structure
An Executive Dashboard in Power BI
Check out my elegant Screenshots
My favorite Apps & Games
HOME – APEXpert.us
My Apps, Tools & Music
Oracle APEX – Cloud Developer Certified Professional – OCI (Oracle University) (the latest version)
Oracle APEX – Advanced (with JavaScript & APIs)
Oracle APEX – RESTful Services (ORDS & RESTful APIs)
Oracle APEX – Fundamentals (Oracle University & Udemy)
Oracle Primavera P6 – Professional (Oracle University)
JavaScript, AJAX & jQuery
Oracle, SQL & PL/SQL
Developer 2000 / D2K (Oracle Forms & Reports)
PowerBuilder v8, v6, v5 & PFC (up to the latest version – 2022)
Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service & Power BI Project (Financial Analysis & Reporting: A-Z)
C# 10
Unix & C
Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications
Diploma in Information Systems & Data-Processing
6+ years of training in Software Development
30+ years of overall programming experience
Check out my elegant Screenshots & Portfolio
No server-side language (uses only PL/SQL).
No files to compile or deploy (only metadata).
Oracle APEX
Auto-generates modern HTML, CSS & JavaScript
Laser-Focus on just your BUSINESS LOGIC.
100% Browser-based
Uses nothing more than a BROWSER for dev.
A complete RAD platform – FREE and Limitless.
Check out my pages with extensive details on –
Oracle APEX – Low-Code & AI are the future of development
PowerBuilder – its BLEAK future, 20 years too late to the party
I've been following and practicing Oracle APEX since 2005 when it used to be called Flows, Marvel, HTML DB and later renamed to Application Express or APEX. I have a few workspaces on the FREE apex.oracle.com and the Always-Free cloud.oracle.com with some of my own projects and Portfolios/demos. My front-end inclination and development skills, UI/UX design skills and PowerBuilder experience have helped me immensely with learning and mastering APEX.
Overall, I have 12 years' of experience in APEX (conservative estimate) from using it for years and also getting officially Oracle-certified. I'm experienced in building new APEX apps and modernizing LEGACY apps (e.g., PowerBuilder and Oracle Forms & Reports) into high-quality, STUNNING, responsive APEX Web apps with high security using RESTful APIs, OAuth, scalability and world-class features, quickly and cost-effectively.
Click to view the elegant Data / REST Flow Diagram I created (APEX & ORDS).
Portfolio – to demo various features of Oracle APEX using secure RESTful APIs with OAuth for max security
My Enhancements
Login page with a Slideshow, Pause, Play, Application Features buttons and more...
Navigation Menu, Menu Bar and Breadcrumbs are created automatically without any coding.
Header with a textured background image.
Static Toolbar of frequently used modules on the top.
Home page displays 3 vertical frames showing dynamic content from Oracle and APEX sites (can be configured to display any number of frames with any content including the corporate Intranet page, Knowledge-base, frequently used actions and such)
Kanban Board with drag-n-drop UI (page under construction)
Check out the Dictionary pages after expanding the hamburger menu on the top-left.
Each page uses secure REST APIs for max security.
Interactive Report list pages with Create, Edit, Reset, Download and Maximize buttons.
List pages with Chips to enable/disable/delete grouping, colors, highlights, etc.
List pages with extra Reports dropdown to view data in various layouts – Group by, Chart by, etc.
These Chips and extra Reports on List pages were all created and saved runtime (as regular users) with NO code.
Form pages with Create, Edit, Reset, Delete and Save buttons.
User menu on the top-right of the header with various Themes to switch to.
These themes were created at runtime.
Footer with more Info such as version, environment, database, workspace, app, page, user, copyright and page-load time.
The app can be installed as a Progressive Web App on any device and used without a browser. You could try the Install App icon in the header to install the PWA on your device.
Wrote 600+ lines of CSS, JavaScript and HTML to make it visually appealing and elegant with a better UI/UX.
Login credentials
URL – apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/r/apexpert/portfolio
READ-WRITE – Username: WRITER, Password: Writer#12
READ-ONLY – Username: READER, Password: Reader123
MovieFlix – similar to Netflix, with Cards interface, Faceted Search, Sorting... to create a Watchlist of movies.
Created using RESTful APIs from TheMovieDB.org.
Search page – Add a Movie -> Search.
Details page – click on thumbnails -> Details with cast and crew -> Add to Watchlist.
Watchlist – click on thumbnails -> Details -> I’ve Watched This / Remove from Watchlist.
Navigation Menu, Menu Bar and Breadcrumbs are created automatically without any coding.
AI Chatbot to ask anything and get answers.
Language Translator to translate any page (including modals) into any language.
Faceted Search filters, Sorting, etc. are created with low-code.
Search, Sort and other features get enabled after adding movies to your Watchlist.
The app can be installed as a Progressive Web App / PWA on any device and used without a browser. You could try the Install App icon in the header to install the PWA on your device.
Login credentials (OCI)
URL – g340fb41e0bbf62-apexpert.adb.us-chicago-1.oraclecloudapps.com/ords/r/apexpert/movieflix
Username: movieflix
Password: Movies123
I've worked on PowerBuilder for 28+ years. I would love to work on the Low-Code Oracle APEX for the rest of my career – and beyond... because the future-proof and futuristic APEX is UNMATCHED by any other technology, it will NEVER get outdated (only gets better and more and more modern). It is that GREAT!
I would also like to work on PowerBuilder projects that have plans to modernize using Oracle APEX.
Shekar Reddy